Understanding how your body is seeking reconnection with you, through the language of pain and dis-ease
A manageable 21 day course of self-awareness, self-love and self-care to fit into your daily life, with the aim to establish new healthy routines and to empower you in your health and wellbeing through the connection of Mind-Body-Heart & Soul.
What you get
A Welcome and Introduction video on how best to use the materials
Chakra Overview for each of the 7 Chakras- A quick reference to all energy centres of the physical-emotional-mental and energetic relationship
Guided Movement Meditations - x 7 (30-40minutes each) Linked to the energetic chakra systems supporting and developing this intrinsic relationship, through the concept and the emotion of LOVE.
3 Modules, one for each week.
Module 1 (Body) – Health and Wellbeing – Bridging and Deepening Your Connection to Your Body
Module 2 (Heart) – Relationships – Establishing Foundations of Unconditional Love
Module 3 (Soul) – Purpose-Work – Aligning to your Joy and Fulfilment – Your Soul Purpose
4 workbooks and self-reflective exercises:
Self-Reflection Workbook 1– Health (Mind-Body)
Self-Reflection Workbook 2– Relationships (Heart)
Self-Reflection Workbook 3– Work-Purpose (Soul)
Self-Reflection Workbook 4– Environment
Chakra Full Description for each of the 7 centres
Supporting the course and meditations, detailing how the chakra systems are linked to the physical areas of the body and the emotional aspects that lay within and if not in balance, what the possible symptoms that may be present in your body. Becoming a point of reference to guide you to where your body needs your attention, love and care.
Daily Self Reflection Prompts -
21 a short videos, one for every day to help support your awareness and self reflection for the day based upon each chakra and the module to dive a little deeper with intention setting,
BONUS - Ground and Connecting Meditation
A guided meditation to simply connect you to your body with greater inner peace.
Introduction and the Ethos of the Course
This unique course is designed to connect your physical and emotional self, your internal and external environment and the relationships within both through the beautiful form of movement meditation, breathe and the e-motion of LOVE.
My vision for this course, as a remedial therapist, is to empower those who wish to improve their health and wellbeing mind and body. Through sharing knowledge of the intricate connection of our emotional and physical self and how our unresolved emotions overtime cause restrictions, dysfunction and later dis-ease, thus enlightening and empowering oneself through practicing awareness, self-care techniques and meditation.
This course I hope will become an introduction and guidance in your journey of establishing and developing the connection of your heart, mind and body with the ultimate goal of a health and wellbeing
The concept of LOVE – Listen Observe Visualise Empower has come from my own experiences and with clients, suffering from a range of ailments of musculoskeletal to stress related illnesses, that when we unpeel each layer from the physical, there are emotional undertones restricting on a cellular level. These emotions are energetic vibrations in our bodies and ultimately comes down to how much we love and accept ourselves and the frequencies we are resonating in emotionally, consciously or subconsciously, be they of constrictive low vibrational fear, anger, shame, grief or the open and expansive high energy of gratitude, love and joy and later peace and calm,
Through holding pure unconditional love for ourselves, where we are not swayed by criticism nor praise, to know that you are enough, releases the foot off the pedal and the undue stress we place upon ourselves and our bodies in our day to day lives. To heal through the open and expansive emotion of love and by practicing daily the mantra of LOVE - Listen and Observe your body, understanding what it is trying to tell you through pain, discomfort and illness, to Visualise space and healing opening new neural pathways through movement meditation, to Empower yourself, owning your health and wellbeing mind and body.
Through movement of breath and the physical body the guided meditations support this reunion of mind, heart and body. To deepen this relationship with oneself, through opening your heart to create and hold a loving, kind and non-judgemental space for you to heal, one step at a time.
To form an understanding as to how our bodies physically reflect our emotions and thoughts and begin to form a supportive foundation through guided meditation, affirmations and self-care exercises, to become the observer of one’s mind and body. To recognise your body’s tapestry and be able to read what your body, your physical self and how it is reflecting your inner self, your mind and the deep rooted thoughts, emotions, beliefs and fears.
The guided freestyle movement mediations support you to breathe, to connect and bridge your mind, heart and body’s relationship, to truly hear, feel and love your body and tap into the instinctive ways of movement to open and find physical space within your miraculous body and allow the release of physical tensions and emotions that no longer serves you.
Forging a deeper union of mind, heart, body and Soul and your relationship with yourself, to understand what serves you joy, love, contentment and fulfilment and to be able to recognise and release old restrictive thoughts, beliefs’ and emotions that no longer serve you purpose or joy on your journey of health and happiness.
This course has helped with-
Mind Wellbeing
Stress Management
Musculoskeletal Pain and Discomfort
Developing Loving & Meaningful Relationships
Healthy Boundaries with Discernment
Imposter Phenomenon
Soul Purpose & Alignment
A deeper level of trust and belief in Self
Self Expression
Inner Peace
All for £77.00
I wish to share that I had this vision and dream of Health Empowerment to all that wish to be, through this LOVE2HEAL course and others to follow and The Infinity Health Hub, yet had no idea how I would achieve it! So often it became such a big dream it overwhelmed me, I would go from huge heart-warming excitement and passion to gut heavy dread and panic. The thought of being in the spotlight led me to my own path of self-development breaking free from old fears of not being good enough, fears that people would not want to hear what I have to say, my imposter syndrome and issues of self-worthiness.
...fears are not worth what you are missing out of...
With self-determination to honour my dreams realising that my fears were not my truths and not worth what I would be missing out of, I turned to daily meditation, gratitude journaling, exploring and listening to experts in self-development and the universal field of energy, forming an awareness of synchronicities, the power of our thoughts and intentions, ascended masters, angels the whole spiritual realm, alongside the support from other therapists to support my health and wellbeing, thus walking the talk!
With this amazing tool-kit that seemed to just come to me (not by chance I’m sure), I was able to shift my perception and alchemise these fears to self-love and acceptance, through opening my heart, trusting in myself and the process, surrendering my illusion of control to the unknown, to the Universe, with an inner knowing that I and my dreams are supported even though I wasn’t sure how.
"He who seeks for higher knowledge must create it within himself; he must himself instill it into his soul. It cannot be done by study; it can only be done through life"
Rudolp Steiner
Early on in writing this course my ego was constantly telling me to get my writing done in a couple of months to hurry up and get it out there, my usual overdriving of myself, an un-serving pattern I have come to recognise! As it was taking longer creating a frustration within myself, it finally dawned on me that actually this was my healing journey first, the download of information I was receiving was for me to experience, understand and process, that it wasn't just about healing others. I was to break free of old patterns for me to grow, to find my inner power and light, that I am worthy to receive such happiness and joy, and with this new unveiling of my authentic light and self I naturally am able to support and inspire others.
Two years later, I write this introduction to launch this course and The Infinity Health Hub which has been made possible by funding from Devon County Council and the UK Government and the wonderful team of beautiful souls working hard to see this dream and vision come to fruition, all of which I am most humbly grateful and heartfelt appreciative of. I find myself in a wonderful space of gratitude and excitement of how this will grow, meeting the other wonderful souls that will become part of this healing community platform, supporting their health and wellbeing journey and the positive oscillation affect and impact it will have on our world and planet, in the way it is meant to be.
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together” –
If I can do it, so can you!
Connect Mind-Body-Heart & Soul as one, to connect to the whole of your body, to develop a deeper level and sense of trust, love and acceptance of Self, a life-tool kit for You to Be You.
To become a blueprint and easily achievable self-care routine to be continued into daily and weekly practice
To support the ultimate gain of holding unconditional love and acceptance for oneself
To understand what your body is trying to tell you and what actions of love, kindness and care are required to support and empower your healing journey of health and happiness.
To feel more empowered, experience more love, becoming a beacon of what you wish to feel and experience more of in your life.
To develop deeper and more meaningful relationships that are authentic and based upon unconditional love.
To recognise your un-serving belief systems that block you from your joy and happiness and create new neural pathways of your desires.
"Gemma’s LOVE2Heal movement meditations are truly amazing. The space and energy that she creates in these sessions is something very special, it really allows you to find that inner voice…
“I am loving your guided meditations, they are making me feel calm and confident… connected to the Earth.. thank you”
“I would even say inner magic and there is a real sense of peace and love in the visualisations.”
“It’s a tranquillity that I have not had before, you can’t find it whilst you are busy with life, a moment in time that feels incredibly special”