Energetic Detox - Clearing Old Stories - Past Lives to Be Free

This audio guided meditation recorded live from the Pyjama Revolution - edited with music by Mike Rosa - promotes an inner calm, to release from old stories, patterns and belief systems from this lifetime and our energetic Soul incarnations.

It is a purification of the subconscious and the unconscious memories held within every trillion of cells in our body - it is a physical, emotion and mental detox to help shift-your-shite and be lighter and freer to be the full expression of self.

To experience more joy, love, peace, health and wealth in abundance - to truly receive and be in your true power and potential.

The energy of forgiveness is like a white light, washing away all cords that are energetically connected and draining your energy, for you to hold a clearer and higher perspective - to step into more conscious choices of change to your highest good.

Affirmations that came to me after the meditation:

“I forgive the unforgiveable I accept the unacceptable

I choose me and my true potential

From this present moment onwards I am Love, I am Joy, I am Peace, health and wealth in abundance

Every moment and each day I rest comfortably as me with the curiosity and courage to expand and grow fully in my power and light -

My power and strength -

Held effortlessly within this miraculous vessel - my body

As Above So Below

So Within As Without Working the miracle of one

All miracles come from one. And So It Is"


Guided Meditation only with music - 40 minutes

Introduction and Guided Meditation - audio only - 46 minutes

The live introduction and channelled guided meditation: recorded on 3rd June 2023

Gemma Norris

As a Remedial Bodywork Therapist, for me to be able to help my clients to find health and wellbeing mind and body, I firstly need to understand WHY they are in pain, what the primary cause is and follow the trail and pattern of restrictions within their body.


Finding Your Inner Power-Potential & Joy


Freeing from Self Sabotage to the Joy Within